Friday, October 31, 2008

Wicked innit...

Hello once again,

At the end of the last entry we referred to Jason and speculated whether or not he was employed for the atmosphere... well we were to learn more about Jason before we left Koh Samui...

Jason does eat... in fact he is regularly forced to eat by the bungalow staff as "we've had to take him to hospital too often when he drinks but doesn't eat"

Jason's leaving gift from his last job was Rogers Profanisaurus... look it up if you don't know what it is. (Nan, you shouldn't, it's a book with rude words in it.)

Our final encounter with Jason began, as we knew it would, in the bar... Jason walked towards us with a swagger and told us he'd been shopping and did we want to see what he'd bought? Without waiting for an answer he produced and held to the back of Debbie's neck an electric pink vibrating willy.

All eyes were on this thing, it was about 4 inches long from... err... anatomically accurate base to tip... and as we all wondered what on earth he had bought this thing for (apart from tickling girlish necks)... he made me wince, and gave Freud enough material for a whole new theory as he snapped the bottom from his still vibrating purchase and, with a leery smile dipped his head, lit a cigarette, and said "wicked innit"

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