Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Currently lost in Melbourne Airport

Ben here. We've spent the last 4 weeks with Debbie's family and I am pleased to report that the family welcomed us in at every opportunity and we are now properly stocked up with barbequed meat and salad (I am storing mine in a spare tyre configeration) so we should survive any bouts of... err travelers indigestion.

We're just one flight away from our true destination, a whole new continent to get lost in! We were pleased to read that there have been recent riots and border disputes in Thailand as surely this means there will be many gentlemen in uniform to aks for direction when we do end up standing in the middle of a busy intersection, holding our guidebook upsidedown whilst buying fake gems and getting a tuk tuk to the drivers cousins carpet shop for an amazing bargain.. I can't wait.

All for now. Ben & Deb


Pip-O said...

aaaaaaaaaagh! how funny - pretty much EXACTLY the same john's and my first day in Bangkok - though ashamedly i have to say that we actually did buy a suit each! And i'm not telling how much we paid (suffice to say, too much for the 3 wearings mine had, plus i was told i looked like a newsreader in it). We also bought our expensive boat tickets in the dodgy tourist shop - made all the more painful by the fact that the coach taking us there was delayed by a protest sit-in by the travellers coming back from the island as they weren't being dropped off at Kao San as promised. After an hour or 2 of sitting on the pavement waiting for the deadlock to end and the passengers to get off or taken to Kao San our patience may have waned a tiny bit....

Anyway enough about that - make sure you keep blogging! soon it'll all be smug 'it was so beautiful and such an amazing experience' stories to make us green to our gills but i want those too!

Lots of love to you both

x Pip

Ben or Deb said...

Ha ha, your story gave us a giggle! It's good to hear we're not the only ones! We've since seen other 'nice chaps' talking to tourists and making phone calls to their tuk tuk mates to set them up... All good fun though and a funny memory.
Will be in touch, hope all is well in London.


james gordon said...

Is this Ben Foster or Bill Bryson writing? Good work foster, looking fwd to following your shenanigans

Pip-O said...

i can't believe you've found a starbucks already! thats travelling for the over 25's style...
where are the tie die pants and plug-in dreads, preferably with a semi-wild dog in tow, now thats real trvelling duuude ;-)

Mick said...

Hi chaps. Am about to try to show your 87 year old gran how to navigate to your blog, blind leading the blind really, but think she will find it interesting (though also utterly bewildering, as only ever left UK once, and only for the day.....)

Nan said...

Gran here! I'm getting the hang of this and I think your blog is great. I am looking forward to reading more entries and hearing about your adventures. Love Nan x ps. Bog off Mike!