Friday, October 31, 2008

Island hopping & reptile visitors

G'day...Deb here (obviously)! Well, we have not managed to do anything stupid since Ben's last entry, so another conventional blog entry..

Since the last entry, we've moved to Koh Pha Ngang, an island about an hour's ferry ride from Koh Samui. The first 4 nights we stayed at another LP recommendation 'Cookies Bungalows' (chosen based on my friends car number plates!) and it turned out to be pretty awesome...our little bungalow was literally a few metres from the beach with a porch and a hammock. The morning routine involved waking up to the sound of the waves lapping on the shore and going straight in for a swim. Not a bad way to start the day and we found this also helped make the cold shower easier to take. My only 'small' reservation with the place was the fact that the roof didn't meet the walls - obviously for ventilation but on the first night we had a visitor in the form of a rather large lizard - aside from the monitor lizards swimming in the river, it was the biggest we've seen, so I was 'a little' worried about what might come in through the roof at night as we slept, but I live to tell the tale that nothing 'ate' me..

We hired a moped for a day and took a ride up the coast to explore a bit further, all the way singing 'Born to be Miiiild'. On our travels we found a place called Haad Yao and one of the resort style places was advertising rooms that were within our backpackers budget. So after a few nights at Cookies, we've now moved on to a room with a/c, hot water....and best of all a pool where we've spent the last 2 days, today we had it completely to ourselves as the resort is not at all busy. We're feeling energetic, so tomorrow we're planing on checking out the resorts private beach! We're also planning to hire a moped and find our way to a smaller island that is connected by a sand bar where the snorkling is said to be amazing.

In a few days we're planning to head back north to Bangkok and then on to Kanchanaburi. I'll try to post some photos of the islands soon. Ciao for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

life sounds so hard for you guys.